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Seegrid is Driving Safety

Seegrid AMRs move billions of pounds of materials each month, and have safely driven millions of autonomous miles in real production facilities.


Millions of Miles, Billions of Pounds

Seegrid AMRs are the market leader in robust navigation, and go above and beyond ANSI B56.5 safety standards, as well as satisfy all applicable safety requirements of ANSI R15.08. Our robots work seamlessly–and safely–alongside their human coworkers.


Seegrid Seegrid AMRs excel at routine and repetitive tasks—assign tedious and risk-prone jobs with confidence.


Computer vision enables Seegrid AMRs to “see” their surroundings—this proprietary, 360° vision is critical in dynamic environments.


When in autonomous mode, Seegrid AMRs always follow the rules, working seamlessly and tirelessly alongside human coworkers.

Exceed Safety Standards and Productivity Goals

As supply chain pressures and demands continue to climb, autonomous mobile robots are key to efficiently moving materials. However, manually-driven powered industrial trucks are prone to accidents and injuries, as they rely on human input which can be compromised in many ways. Increasing autonomous robot safety while also achieving productivity goals, material handling automation is essential for manufacturingwarehousing, and logistics facilities.


With proven technology in control of the AMR at all times, the robot will reliably follow the intended route, maintain the right speed limits, avoid collisions, behave predictably and consistently, and never behave erratically. Because there is no greater concern than the safety, health, and lives of workers, Seegrid AMRs are designed with fail-safe features. With these safety systems, Seegrid AMRs go above and beyond ANSI B56.5 safety standards, as well as satisfy all applicable safety requirements of ANSI R15.08, working seamlessly—and safely—alongside their human coworkers.

Seegrid’s approach is to not only meet, but to also exceed regulatory requirements by building an envelope of constantly scanning safety sensors to ensure the vehicle will stop before contacting any obstructions, including people.


Your technicians can learn about Seegrid AMR safety and more with our two-day training program. By the time they leave Seegrid training facilities, your team will be ready to train training routes in-house in a matter of minutes.


Seegrid AMRs also provide the flexibility to safely and productively scale to demands without sacrificing downtime. There no longer has to be a tradeoff between safety benefits and productivity. Achieve both goals and confidently continue to optimize for an even stronger tomorrow. Read more about how automation helps facilities improve safety while boosting productivity simultaneously—24/7.



Lasers provide a single slice of the environment, increasing chances for error in dynamic spaces. That’s why laser-guided vehicles have a limited understanding of their surroundings, which makes lasers an unreliable source for navigation guidance in dynamic operations.

Fragmented, partial view of the world

Unreliable in dynamic environments

With a limited number of data points, laser-guided
vehicles are prone to failure in dynamic environments



Seegrid’s complete, hemispheric field of view of the world means
our robots work confidently for you — every hour of every day.

Detailed, expansive field of view

Robust in dynamic environments

With tens of thousands of reference points, Seegrid AMRs navigate
seamlessly in high-traffic, dynamic environments

Proven, Reliable Navigation

Our technology is a continuation of breakthrough robotics pioneered by world-renowned roboticist Dr. Hans Moravec, our chief scientist. After decades of perfecting vision technology, Hans founded Seegrid in 2003, bringing mobile robotics to material handling.


Building upon decades of innovation, Seegrid embraces ingenuity and has a visionary mindset, teaming the best innovators in mobile robotics with leading experts in material handling.

Seegrid AMRs are vision guided and see the world just like humans do. Fusing our unique computer vision system with real-time sensor data, Seegrid IQ, our autonomy technology, creates a fully autonomous robotic fleet with an unmatched ability to perceive, plan, and control movement.


Safety Sensors

Using Smart Path technology, two 3D LiDAR sensors provide overlapping fields of view to detect objects in front of the robot, as well as providing additional coverage on both sides of the robot. Combined with a safety-rated laser scanner sensor to protect personnel, Seegrid AMRs reduce speed and come to an immediate, complete stop when a person or object is detected.


By fusing sensor data, Seegrid AMRs have an enhanced understanding of their environment with the ability to comprehend and make decisions across a greater number of situations.


Emergency Stop Buttons

E-stop buttons ensure the safety of your facility at all times. When pressed, the motor brake is immediately applied, bringing the robot to a stop.


Turn Signals

Indicator lights atop the Seegrid AMR indicate direction of travel during turns, so your personnel always know which way the AMR is going.


Horn Honks and Motion Alarm

Seegrid AMRs notify teams how they are working with distinct alerts. An auto horn indicates motion is starting, a travel tone indicates the robot is in motion, and a horn signifies travel in reverse.

Let the Robots do the Hazardous Work

Facilities are safer when Seegrid AMRs take over the monotonous, extremely physical, and dangerous work. Seegrid AMRs don’t have bad days, cut corners, or get distracted. By automating the hazard-prone repetitive jobs, human workers become more engaged and satisfied — and can focus on more value-added work. Seegrid AMRs always follow the rules of the road, creating a safe and collaborative environment.





We are passionate about delivering safe, flexible, and effective automation solutions that work.

Ready to explore how Seegrid can help?